sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Especialmente hoje, em inglês.

well well well...here it goes.
For the first time in english, as a gift for special people who comes often to my blog even when they cant understand a single word in portuguese.
This blog is all about being completly clumsy. About how i can make simple things on my daily journey a mess. About being terrible washing the clothes or cooking, of never keeping things on their places. But mostly its about how to deal with things that can make your day bad making your mistakes become a funny story.
In the past 2 years, i´ve been living on the edge of my sanity since i own my house and a 16 years old kid. Its like "Party of five" without the funny part and the handsome guys!
The sad thing is: mom kicked the bucket ,leaving me with my brother and this house that now i call "Rose Red"( its really alive!).
The good thing...well...im still trying to figure out what is...
Anyway, after all this time i learnt important things. Ill make a short list:
*Paying the bills on the right day will make the guys not cut my energy!
*There´s no nice maid.
*I really need a washing machine.
*The handsome electrician only wants my money.
*Pets are a mistake.
I could write a lot more about it, but my english is getting to an end.
Im sorry if i disapoint who thought i was a better writer, and im really sorry for my english.

Ps: Thank you for reading me!;)

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Thank you for your english post, all the gringos highly appreciate this;)


talita, acho que não falei no blog, mas fui professora de inglês em Praga. é, pois é, na República Tcheca, longuíssima história. passei aqui pra, de novo, te falar que o blog voltou, pra tu ir lá e tal. acabei de ler teu texto em inglês e tô aqui às gargalhadas. tem pouquíssimos erros e, o melhor de tudo, é absolutamente fluente, com um humor refinadíssimo. mulher, tu precisa escrever livro também, caceta. a história do Party of Five, sem as partes engraçadas e sem os caras gostosos foi o melhor. beijo grande. não sei mais se me identifiquei aqui nessa merda, mas, enfim, é eu, Rozane Monteiro, Sua Excelência, a Anta.